A Letter to my younger self

Sweet girl,

I am pleased that you have made it so far.
Just yesterday you struggled with grasping concepts such as the alphabet and counting in 2’s; making decisions like which outfit to dress your Barbie doll in or dealing with the frustration of having to eat those yucky veggies which your mom insisted were good for you. Now you are facing greater challenges like how to impress that cute boy; how to achieve maximum success in your academics; how to stay true to yourself and your beliefs and not lose your friends in the process… I know the list is endless!! Calm down, take it slow and breathe, we will address all of these issues in due time but for now I want to help you with something which I know really bothers you- your love life or lack thereof.

You had it all planned out didn’t you? At Rhodes all your dreams would finally come true. You thought you would have it all- I mean you are studying journalism at an excellent institution and on your way to becoming the host of a controversial talk show, you have fun loving friends and you have independence, complete sovereignty over all your affairs. There’s just one puzzle piece that’s missing however, you haven’t found the one guy who makes your head bop. An attractive guy who captures your attention still hasn’t come along. True love is so hard to find and the way couples flaunt their kisses in public makes you even bitterer. That friend of yours who leaves you hanging on Friday nights every time her boyfriend calls her over makes you realize how much you wish you had a lover in your life. No prince charming buys you chocolates and roses. You feel so lonely and inadequate.

I know that you will never find the perfect guy at Rhodes because you have so many expectations and you never settle for anything less than the best. You have had numerous suitors yet you have declined each time a guy poured out his feelings for you. I commend you for that because I don’t want you to be desperate to give your love away. You must be alert and know that not everyone deserves your heart. Do not hastily enter into a relationship unless you are certain that the one you choose genuinely appreciates you.

Love and respect yourself enough to wait. You are worth more than gold so be confident about who you are. The great guy you long to meet will come someday when you least expect, just stop looking for him!

Yours truly,
Soul Sista


1 Response to A Letter to my younger self

  1. jax Says:
    Dear sweet girl

    Your letter is nearly the same as mine. We used to think that growing up is going to be nice and fun. People walk in and out of our lives, and some leave behind sorrow while some leave happiness. We sometimes choose the right friends while sometimes we chose friends that will do wrongs in our lives. But the most important thing that we should do is choosing the right boyfriends, there are those who will break your heart and those who will come and put the pieces together, one will never tell if they chose the right partners or what by they will see by action. Make sure that when you fall in love you choose the right person you want to spend the rest of your life with.

    Nice letter girl.